All rooms and public areas throughout the hotel are non-smoking. Therefore smoking on the room and out of the window is not allowed. Violating this smoking ban is sanctioned with a fine of at least €500.
Noise Pollution
Please do not make noise between 23:00 and 07:00 hours. Wilhelmsen House has a zero tolerance policy.
Ødeleggelse: Påføring av skade og tyveri fra rommet og/eller hotellbeholdningen vil bli belastet årsaken og personen som er personlig ansvarlig.
Pets are not allowed in the hotel.
Emergency alarm
If you hear the emergency alarm, follow the instructions described on the flight plan in your room. In case of a false emergency alarm, intentionally caused by a hotel guest, any consequential damages will be charged to the relevant person.
Check-in at 3PM
Check-out at 11AM
Compliance with House rules
Wilhelmsen House is entitled to have you leave the hotel at failure to comply with the house rules.
The management is not liable for any theft or loss of your personal property.